Shipyard Commander Yeoman

I have been in a year and a half now and I am 20 years old.  This is my second job while being stationed here at the Shipyard in Pearl Harbor Hawaii. I used to be a Personnel Liaison Representative from the day I got
here till the day I came back from my first time I took leave.  I excelled and received many awards for the accomplishments I made while doing tedious and important pay, personnel and administrative actions for the command.  I was then promoted to work in the front office to be the Shipyard Commanders Yeoman.  I have done many projects with upper management, CINPACFLT, CINLANTFLT, MIDPAC, SUBPAC, NAVSEA etc.... I enjoy this job because out in the civilian world it is the equivalent to a corporate secretary.  I do more than just secretarial duties, I have my military commitments as well as my of-duty college classes.  I'd say I'm taking advantage of what I have while I'm still young.

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