92Y20, Supply

I am a 92Y20, or Supply SGT. I love my job and the military!  I have been in the Army since 1989.  I am currently a AGR Soldier in Michigan.  Being a full time supply SGT has it's challenges.  If I was in the active Army, I would have at least one clerk to help me, as it stands I do every thing my self.  It adds a lot of stress, but what job doesn't.
I look at supply like being the parent of the unit.  I supply all of the soldiers basic needs.  I make sure they have food, clothing, bullets, that their equipment is all there and they have everything they need to complete their mission.  If I fail to do my job, they will be unable to complete theirs.
If it weren't for the military (which I grew up in), I don't know where I would be.  It has been my heartache and my salvation.  The military has let me do and be anything I want to be.  The only limitations that I feel I have
are the ones that I put on my self.  I have been fortunate.

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