Overcoming Resistance in Organizations

Overcoming Resistance in Organizations

In the paradox of the Organization
There is a paradox behind the general character of us as humans. We all desire change for the better. Desire and hope is what continues to push us to do something or is also giving rise to dissatisfaction with the current situation. Then where paradox? If we refer to the practice in the organization, though all the people longing for new changes, but human beings generally are resistant to making changes.
Moreover, if the wind change was exhaled from the forces outside of himself. For example, management, supervisor, team or organization. Therefore, many of which concluded that human nature is resistant to change. Paradox, right? Crave change but resistance to change, let alone invited to change. The Nature of the paradox is that not infrequently make the organization must make the extra effort (thoughts, time and funds) to make changes.
The problem is, even this may not be successful. Many companies that the issues concerning the change had to die in the middle of the road and back to the old format because it ran out of energy and cost to overcome the resistance of its people. Sample size is reform in the organization of Indonesia. First, all people crave the reform. But, when the reform COMPOSITION OF EVENTS must be run, generally resistant. Each side says that the other party must reform it. Reformation is to them, not to us.
Why this paradox and resistance arise? Many causes, of course. When observing the
Practice in the field, its causes, among others:
* Fear
* Do not know
* Feeling unable / inferior (feeling incompetent)
* Too selfish / self group
* No clear reasons for and the steps
* Not included participation in decision making
* And others
The causes of this could still be regarded as the general causes inherent in the person as a social creature. That means there's more reasons related to individual creatures. An example is the motivation to move forward. The stronger the motivation for someone to go, the more open he was to change into a better direction. Even this motivation is still associated more with other personal issues. For example, if she had a positive mental attitude or negative. The more positive mental attitude, the better the motivations. And so on and so forth.
"Change is no guarantee of repair,
but all improvement begins from the changes. "
Stages In Organizational change
Therefore, there is resistance caused by a number of factors, so in theory emerging management literature is to teach us about the stages we need to do before, during, and after rolling the change issue. What are the essential stages that we need to go?
First, recognition or awareness of the need for change. Whether for personal or organizational, the reason for the change that must be found as hard, as relevant, and accurate as possible. The most often successful is to make trouble or dissatisfaction as an excuse. According to Kurt Lewin (1951), the change should begin from the "why". Therefore, he formulated the following steps:
1. Unfreezing: the process of raising awareness of the need to change or there is an urgent need for change
2. Changing: programs and actions for change
3. Refreezing: establishing a new change in format
This means that we can make significant drop in revenue, new tips operation, or the threat of new products as the reason for the change in the other direction. This is called reverse the misfortune to be wise. Without incident, perhaps we are reluctant to change.
Second, MOTIVATE motivation. If you want to wear a standard size, which is necessary to find motivation for change is "what is in it for me?", What's in it for me? Therefore, according to his theory Beck hard & Harris (1987), provided the changes are:
* There should be a benefit or advantage that would be obtained if more
Successful change
* Must be led to the perception of a better tomorrow
* There should be steps to make all / most of the people
Concluded that it could be done (practical guide)
The motivation here acts like fuel for vehicles. According to his theory, fuel consumption is greatest when going to the street or going to fly. Same also with the changes. Motivation is needed at the time of the change agenda to run. In addition to the touch needed techniques, such as regulations, required also a touch of emotional, spiritual, material, and others.
Third, develop JUSTIS, open learning process with the risk of errors, or open the faucet entry of new knowledge. If the organization simply proclaiming a change but not equip the knowledge and skills needed to change, is likely to fail or slow.
Research reveals that as many as 40% failure caused by a change in employee's inability to perform the execution of the strategy changes that have been specified. As many as 35% failure caused by the unpreparedness of change is more change than the actors change. Only 17% failure of the changes caused by faulty preparation of the strategy (McKinsey & Co., Berger, 1994).
Fourth, the old culture to accommodate the new culture more conducive to change. Why should wear the way of accommodation? From experience in the field, if we want to change habits or culture by turning directly, this is very difficult. Would be easier if we run hand in hand with the new. Accommodation means that rather than banning the old culture, but with a new filling. In this way, the old culture that wants in is omitted, will gradually go away.
How to accommodate it? When referring to the various concepts of building a corporate culture, organizational culture is derived from the three forces below:
* The values adopted for life, forms certain beliefs and assumptions of the founders of the organization.
* Lessons from the experiences of people in the organization in accordance with the dynamics
* New values, new beliefs, and assumptions that brought the new-entry by new groups or new leaders into the organization
In other words, if we want to suppress the old culture, then we must bring new values, new beliefs, experiences and new KNOWLEDG
Some new people, new paradigms, new situations, and so on. New things that can be streamed down through a few lines below:
* Symbols (Symbols): The logo, uniforms, technology products used, or other external attributes.
* Imitation (Imitation): mindset, assumptions, and patterns of attitudes, beliefs, behaviors or habits that resulted from the duplication of the seniors or their predecessors
* Experience (Experience): experience in dealing with problems or experience in realizing the idea
* Education (Education): training, seminars, learning (learning), regulations, work systems, work norms, story-telling, on-job coaching, teaching, etc.
Fifth, improvement rewards (rewards based on performance). These rewards should we interpret the material rewards and non-material, in accordance with their respective circumstances. Reward improvements this is the major evidence that all parties can enjoy the fruits of change. If it until people in the organization had no reason to conclude that change and not change it the same reward, it will be difficult. It is not probably going to turn into a negative direction.
Last is the control and streamlining of the various irregularities that potentially thwart the change. Borrowing the theory of religion, in addition to need an invitation to change into a better direction IN ARABIC LANGUAGE (AMAR MAKRUF), also needed to prevent the deviation (nahyul munkar).
The second is usually effectively done by people who have power and legitimacy.
"All progress requires change.
Any change requires courage to face risks
of you already know to who yet you know. "
(George Shin)
Some Kick-Overcoming Resistance
Although the above steps we have already run in such a way, does not mean that the resistance was over. Resistance will still be there. In the field, this resistance can we classify into three:
* Resistance objective, reasonable, sensible, and it was stated
* Subjective-passive resistance, it is unclear why an organization, personal and quietly
* Resist’s subjective-active, it is unclear why an organization, person, against the blatant
for an objective resistance, much less openly declared, and its purpose is also clear in the organization, of handling more clearly. The difficult part is overcoming resistance is subjective, whether passive or active. Well, a few moments below may have the efficacious if we practice:
1. Get support from people who are powerful or influential group of people who are resistant or can go into them. This could be from internal sources (people in) or also from outsiders who are already familiar with several people inside. What this does not actually build the hostility? This is just a tool and because it depends on how the appliance is used.
2. Frequently invite people from outside to provide new insights about the importance of change, whether it's a motivator, speaker, or anyone else. As long as they have the capacity to inspire and motivate change, that's OK.
3. It should also raise a coalition that supports the change to reduce the number of people who are resistant. Can be done with the mutation, rolling, forming a new working group, and so on
4. Facilitating change in attitude as far as it can be done, it makes sense and does not provoke jealousy of others. This can be done if the reasons and motives resistance reasonable, objective, and for the good of the people
5. Blended threats and rewards as a strategy to foster participation. If only the threat of it, the resistance can still be done "discreetly". But if it only benefits alone, this can lead to jealousy and a sense of injustice
6. Showed evidence of progress or achievement gained from the changes to open the consciousness of people who are resistant
7. Implement performance management (reward management) so there are clear differences between people in terms of reward good performers and those whose performance was not good. If until the people who support it get the same reward to people who are resistant, this will certainly hamper.
8. Using a variety of appropriate ways to communicate. For people who do not understand, use a clear-cut explanation (clear understanding). For senior people, use the call-is smooth. For people who influence, use language that glorifies. For a lot of people and different schools (e.g. in meetings), use language that is easily understood.
9. Using coercion that has been agreed upon within the organization, such as warnings, GET FINAL, decrease, up to dismissal.
In the tradition has been handed down in this world, the organization is always a winner when the size is a lose-win. But, because they concern the resistance and that participation is a human soul, it's time we look at it from the other side. Hopefully useful.
"Others Can you temporarily stop only if you can Strive for it consistently"

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